PBC can be run in offline mode if there is no Internet. If there is a red dot on the Queue tab, that is the notification that there are items in the queue.  Emails, SMS and Client Facebook uploads can be queued and uploaded once you are back online. User Facebook and Twitter can't be queued as the user needs to actually login to those services to upload.

1.    Queued Emails
Click the Send button to send the queued emails

2.    Queued SMS
Click the Send button to send the queued SMS

3.    Queued Client FB
Click the Send button to send the queued Client FB

4.    Queued Cloud
Click the Send button to send the queued PB Cloud photos

Note: If you don't want to send the queued files or are getting error while trying to send them, you can delete the queue by looking for the following files in your Event folder: