1.    Enable Video

Allow the user to select to record short video clips.


2.    Video Camera Selection

Select DSLR or Webcam or Slo Mo 3.0 to record video.


3.    Seconds

The number of seconds of video to record.


4.    Enable Video Overlay

Add an overlay to the video. This will need to be a PNG-24 the size of your source video, typically 800x600, 1280x720 or 1920x1080. If you design smaller you will need to set the size and placement here.


5.    Overlay Image

Select the image file you want to overlay the video.


6.    Video Only Mode

Checking this will turn Social Booth into a Video only Booth, disabling Photo Mode.


7.    Custom Processing

Checking this will allow you to use custom code to configure your video processing.


8.    Lip Sync/DubSmash/Marryoke

Checking this will turn Social Booth into a Video only Booth, disabling Photo Mode.


9.     Ask for Video after Photo Session

Enables a pop up question at the end of each photo session asking if they want to record a video too.


10.    Question

Change the wording of the question pop up asking for a video after the photo session.


11.    Enable Slow Mo (DSLR/3.0 Cameras Only)

Enable the slow motion processing of each video session.


12.    Speed

Choose the slow motion speed of the video processing.


Note: Slower computers don't perform well recording video.  Processing times can be quite slow and audio frequently can get out of sync with an underpowered PC. Video can be uploaded to Facebook and Emailed. Video can't be sent via SMS and SMS will be disabled when the user selects a video - this has to do with issues related to file size and Twilio, not with our software.