Social Booth uses Sendgrid for email delivery. It's free for 200 emails/day. If you need more there's a plan for $10/month that gives you 40k emails/month.

1.    Enable Email

Checking this will enable the email sharing button for users to email their photos.

2.    Sendgrid Username

This is the username that you signed up for Sendgrid with.

3.    Sendgrid Password

This is the password for your Sendgrid account.

4.       From Email

This is the email address that you want the emails to come from when they are sent to the users.

5.       BCC Email

This is the email address you can blind copy on every email that is sent.  

6.       Email Subject

The subject of the sent email

7.       Email Message

The body of the email message sent to the user. You can use some basic HTML like <b>, <i> etc.

Note: The photo is sent as an attachment.

For more complicated HTML email messages, you will need to use Sendgrid's Legacy Feature. The email app is located at Settings > Mail Settings > Legacy Email Templates.


You can also set up the email service using your SMTP settings. These will vary based on provider and you can likely get all this information from your webmaster, domain provider, etc.

Remember, disable all firewalls when sending via SMTP. Ports could be potentially. Photo Booth Solutions highly recommends you sign up for a Sendgrid account as it will send emails 99% of the time.

1.    Enable Email

Checking this will enable the email sharing button for users to email their photos.

2.    Server/Port/SSL

This information will come from your email client.  If you do not have this information contact your email administrator.


3.    Username

This is the username you use to log into your email client.

4.    Password

This is the password for your email account.

5.    From Email

This is the email address that you want the emails to come from when they are sent to the users.   Some SMTP settings require this to be the same as your username/email address.

6.    BCC Email

This is the email address you can blind copy on every email that is sent.

7.    Email Subject

The subject of the sent email.

8.    Email Message

The body of the email message sent to the user.