1. Event Name
Enter a name for your event. Each event will create a sub folder in you Photo Save folder where the photos and data for the event are stored.
2. Photo Save Folder
Select a location for your Event photos to be saved. The default is c:\GuestBooth
3. Background
Select a location where your custom background file is located. Guest Booth expects the file to be named the same way as they are in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Photo Booth Solutions\Guest Booth\Assets\Backgrounds folder. To customize, the file should be 1920x1080 pixels in a PNG format.
4. Video Length
The number of seconds of video to record.
5. Settings Password
Set a password in order to access the settings screen. The default is 'guestbooth'.
6. Export
Click the export button to get the final completed book. Guest booth will export to C:\GuestBooth\<event name>.
Once you export the file, open the Guestbookviewer.exe file to view the book in a format where the user can flip the pages.