How To's
1. Open the BYO Booth program. 2. On the
general tab, click the checkbox next to your hashtag. 3. Enter the
number of photos to download. 4. If you are
Sun, 12 May, 2019 at 8:29 PM
Enabling the Watch Folder
1. Open the BYO Booth program
2. On the
general tab, click the checkbox next to Enable Watch Folder
3. Click the fi...
Sun, 2 Aug, 2015 at 6:45 AM
Changing Templates in BYO Booth
1. Open the BYO Booth program
2. Navigate to the Templates tab
3. Click the current Print Template file name ...
Sat, 27 Jun, 2015 at 3:54 PM
Moving the imported photo on the BYO Booth Template
1. Open the BYO Booth program
2. Navigate to
the Templates tab
3. Click on the
photo and...
Sat, 27 Jun, 2015 at 3:56 PM
1. Open the BYO Booth program. 2. Navigate to
the Templates tab. 3. Click on checkbox to enable User Info, Date or Caption. Live Video
Sun, 12 May, 2019 at 8:31 PM
Changing Visuals or Placement of User Data in BYO Booth
1. Open the BYO Booth program
2. Navigate to the Templates tab
3. Click on corresponding i...
Wed, 17 Jun, 2015 at 5:10 AM
Changing the Slideshow Speed in BYO Booth
1. Open the BYO Booth program.
2. Navigate to
the Display tab.
3. Change the Slideshow
Speed field...
Sat, 27 Jun, 2015 at 4:03 PM
Adjust the Position of the SlideShow in BYO Booth
1. Open the BYO Booth program.
2. Navigate to
the Display tab.
3. Enter the
number of pixels to ...
Mon, 24 Dec, 2018 at 1:53 PM
Rotating the Photos in BYO Booth
1. Open the BYO Booth program.
2. Navigate to
the Template tab.
3. Click the
Rotate Photo checkbox.
Sat, 27 Jun, 2015 at 4:10 PM
Enabling Client Facebook Uploading in BYO Booth
1. Open the BYO Booth program.
2. Navigate to
the Client Facebook tab.
3. Click the
Sat, 27 Jun, 2015 at 4:11 PM